(All emails will be sent from this address)

(This name will be displayed when an email is sent from the above email account)

(This is the email that gets notified when a new merchant registers, new products are created for review, etc.)

Email Type Subject Edit Test Email Status
merchant_approval_email Hey [name], you are approved as a merchant! Edit Test Email Yes No
merchant_denied_email Hey [name], unfortunately we could not accept your registration Edit Test Email Yes No
merchant_registration_email Hey [name], thanks for registering Edit Test Email Yes No
order_reminder_email Hey [name], it looks like order [ordernum] has an outstanding item(s) Edit Test Email Yes No
product_approval_email Hey [name], your [productname] is approved! Edit Test Email Yes No
product_denied_email Hey [name], your [productname] was denied. Edit Test Email Yes No
product_sold_email Hey [name], you have sold a product! Edit Test Email Yes No